Saturday, May 17, 2014

If The MH370 Submerged In The Gulf of Thailand – Additional Points Part 5
Nam Fong (Malaysian)
南方 (马来西亚人)

If the units in "nm" are nautical miles, I will revise my interpretation in another article. (24/5/14)
如果"nm"单位是海浬, 我将在另一篇文章修改诠译. (24/5/14)

(L) The Ping Signals That Cost Billion.
(L) 那个代价十億的频音信号.

(1) The MH370 en route to Beijing on March 8 was lost contact at about 1:21 am in the Waypoint IGARI area. After search and rescue operation for one week in the South China Sea, it was called off on March 15, the whole search operation was shifted west to the northern Strait of Malacca, the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, and then only focused on the Indian Ocean. Besides the blips of an unidentified aircraft detected by military radar, the most important reason for the change in search area is because of the “handshakes” ping signals received by Inmarsat’s satellite. Based on the data analysis by very advanced method, the investigators were then very confident that the aircraft had flown to the Indian Ocean. Malaysian authorities were therefore blamed by all parties for wasting time on search and rescue in the South China Sea, the search operation was then pushed to a no-backward pity for months.    
(1) MH37038日飞往北京途中, 于大约凌晨121分在伊嘎里航点地区失去联络. 在南中国海展开一个星期的搜寻拯救行动后, 该行动于315日被取消了, 整个搜寻行动向西转移到马六甲海峡北部, 安达曼海和孟加拉湾, 后来只专注于印度洋. 除了军方雷达探测到身份不明飞机的咇声以外, 改变搜寻区域的最重要理由是因为那个被英麻协(国际海事卫星组织)的卫星所接收到的握手频音信号. 根据以很先进方法所做的数据分析, 调查员们很自信那架飞机已飞进印度洋. 马来西亚当局也因此备受各方谴责在南中国海的搜救是浪费时间, 搜寻行动也因此踏上一个数月没得回头的悲哀.  

(2) Now, let me first interpret the flight path diagram simulated by the multinational investigators, which shows the location where the MH370 was thought ended in the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Australia, the zone band falls within about 20-25oS and 100-104oE, this is based on my estimation. The investigators classified the band into 3 areas and assigned with a probability for the aircraft to reach each area: highest probability, lowest probability and mid probability, which is likely based on three different speed ranges as predicted by the investigators. The flight path using fastest speed (350 knots) will bend or deflect least, thus ended farthest to the south and to the west; the one with slowest speed (323 knots) could bend or deflect most to the east, and ended on the northeast of the former conjecture. Similar kinds of such deflection are those I have seen in the mass spectrometry principle as university science undergraduates learn in chemistry, and vehicle skidding conditions as well. Object with greater momentum attributed to its mass or speed will deflect less, but if the concept is applied on an improper scale board, you will be caught in your own fallacy. What I meant is, for an aircraft moving at 800 km/h, applying a deflect projection on about 400 km scale, as I did for a square in my previous publications, it is reasonably acceptable; for aircraft moving at about 600 km/h, applying a deflect projection on a 3,000-km smooth path, it could be out of scale, the aircraft could have turned away at any point along the simulated flight paths. These are similar kinds of common mistakes made by students in drawing graphs.    
(2) 现在让我诠译那些各国调查员所模拟的航道图表, 那是展示MH370被认为在印度洋终结于澳洲西海岸外的位置, 该地带坐落于大约南纬2025度和东经100104度之内, 这是根据我的估计. 调查员将该地带分成3个地区并给予指定飞机抵达每一区的机率: 最高机率, 最低机率和中等机率, 那看来是根据调查员所推测的3个不同速度范围. 用最快速度(350海浬时速)的航道将弯曲或偏离最少, 因此终结于最远的南部和靠西; 而那个用最慢速度(323海浬时速)的则可弯曲或偏离最多去东部, 以及终结于先前推测之东北部. 类似的偏离法是那些我曾经看过的质谱的原理, 既如大学科学本科生在化学里所学的, 和交通工具轮滑的情况一样. 比较大动量的物体有赖于其质量和速度而将偏离的较少, 但是如果这样的概念用在不恰当的比例表上, 你将会掉进自己的误谬中. 我的意思就是, 一架以800公里时速移动的飞机, 400公里上的比例采用偏离投射推测, 就如我在先前发表的方格那样, 那是合情理的可接受; 对于一架以600公里时速移动的飞机, 3,000公里的流畅航道采用偏离投射推测, 那就可能在比例以外了, 那架飞机有可能在模拟航道的任何一个地点转弯飞走了. 这些是类似学生画曲线图时所犯的普通错误.  

(3) During the early stage after the northern corridor flight path was rejected and Indian Ocean cruise theory was proposed, a few country’s satellites, including Australia, China, France, Thailand and Japan, claimed that large floating objects were found in the southern Indian Ocean, about 2,200 km southwest of Perth, that is the area predicted by the multinational investigators based on the analysis of Inmarsat’s data, that had stirred up the whole world emotion especially the next-of-kin of the people on board MH370. However, after visual searching for some days, not even one debris of MH370 could be found in the roaring 40 zone. Indian Ocean is in the centre of the world ocean conveyor belt, connecting the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, as the deep sea water flows reversibly northward and southward in the Indian Ocean, it becomes one of the largest sea garbage collecting centres, especially all kinds of garbage swept into the ocean during the Indonesia tsunami in the year 2004. When it was realized that the roaring 40 zone was too far-fetched for the aircraft to reach there, the investigators push the possible area northward to the current search area the Australia JACC focused on till now, which I considered as the middle Indian Ocean (not southern Indian Ocean), the reason given by them was the aircraft might have travelled faster than expected, so the fuel finished earlier, and thus ended at a shorter distance, but a curious contradiction is, how come the speeds 323-350 knots (about 600-650 km/h) given in the flight path diagram released together with the preliminary report are actually much slower than the normal high speed 460 knots (850 km/h). 
(3) 在北部走廊航道被排除和印度洋漫航理论被提出之后的初阶段, 几个国家的卫星, 包括澳洲, 中国, 法国, 泰国和日本, 声称在南印度洋发现大件的漂浮物, 在柏斯西南处约2,200公里, 那是多国的调查员根据英麻协的数据分析而推算的地区, 那曾一度挑起整个世界的情绪, 尤其是那些MH370机上的人的亲属. 可是, 经过视觉搜寻几天后, 连一个MH370的碎片也没在那个哮吼40地带被找到. 印度洋是世界海洋输流带的中心, 连结大西洋和太平洋, 当印度洋的深海水在南北来回流动时, 它就成了最大的海洋垃圾汇集中心, 尤其是2004年印尼海啸时各种各样的垃圾扫进这个海洋中. 当觉悟到让飞机抵达哮吼40地带那里太过遥远了, 调查员就将可能的地区向北推移到澳洲联合代理协调中心至今专注搜寻的地区, 我考虑那个是中印度洋(而不是南印度洋), 他们所给的理由是该飞机可能航行得比预料的还要快, 所以燃油更早耗尽, 因此在更近的距离终结, 但是一个好奇的矛盾是, 怎么在和初步报告一起公布的航道图表所给的速度323350海浬时速(600650公里时速)其实比起正常高速460海浬时速(850公里时速)慢很多呢.    

(4) The area with highest probability is in accordance with the slowest speed range 323-332 knots (600-615 km/h), whereas the mid probability area is in accordance with the fastest speed range 350 knots (650 km/h). So, I choose the set of data with highest probability for analysis and discussion. The time and wavelength associated with the 7 times of ping signals detected by Inmarsat’s satellite given in the flight path diagram are as follows, among data with various speeds, I only choose the ones with slowest speed for simple analysis: (1) 2:22 am, 811 nm, 325 knots. (2) 3:41 am, 1267 nm, 332 knots. (3) 4:41 am, 1599 nm, 332 knots. (4) 5:41 am, 1904 nm, 323 knots. (5) 6:41 am, 2226 nm, 323 knots. (6) 8:11 am, 2709 nm, 323 knots. (7) 8:19 am, 2754 nm, 323 knots. The speed of aircraft are likely computed based on areas with varying probability, and the areas in turn was based on the detection of so-called black-box’s pings detected by Australian search team. [The coordinated universal time (UTC) is converted by adding 8 hours to become Malaysian time (MYT)].
 (4) 那些高机率的地区是附和最慢的速度范围323332海浬时速(600615公里时速), 而中等机率地区则附和最快的速度范围350海浬时速(650公里时速). 因此, 我选择最高机率的数据组来做为分析和讨论. 那些在航道图里和英麻协卫星探测到的与7次频音有关连的时间和波长如下, 在各种速度的数据当中, 我只取最慢速度的数据以做为简易的分析: (1) 早上222, 811纳米, 325海浬时速. (2) 早上341, 1267纳米, 332海浬时速. (3) 早上441, 1599纳米, 332海浬时速. (4) 早上541, 1904纳米, 323海浬时速. (5) 早上641, 2226纳米, 323海浬时速. (6) 早上811, 2709纳米, 323海浬时速. (7) 早上819, 2754纳米, 323海浬时速. 那些飞机的速度看似根据不同机率的地区来计算, 而那些地区则是根据澳洲搜寻队探测到的所谓黑箱的频音吧. [协调世界时间(世界时间)已加了8小时以转换为马来西亚时间].    

(5) Although those flight path simulations were computed with sophisticated software, but it still need human to feed in raw data and preset the requirement for calculations, how you select the raw data and requirement definitely will affect the end results and conclusion. You may wonder why the investigators chose the speed range of 323-350 knots (600-650 km/h), which are not the real speeds, but speculated to be much slower than its normal high speed for example 460 knots (about 850 km/h). It could be an attempt to target at some locations to coincide with the detection of pings frequency of about 33 kHz recorded in the region. Same intention could be also made earlier when there were reports about large floating objects at about 2,200 km southwest of Perth.
 (5) 虽然那些航道模拟是用复杂的软件来计算的, 但它还需人们供给原生数据和预先设定条件来计算, 你如何选择原生数据和条件肯定会影响最终的结果和结论. 你可能会好奇为什么调查员选择速度范围323350海浬时速(600650公里时速), 那不是真正的速度, 而是揣测成比起正常的高速例如460海浬时速(850公里时速)慢很多. 那可能是一个企图瞄准一些位置以配合在那个探测到约33千赫兹频音的区域. 当之前有报道关于柏斯西南处约2,200公里发现大漂浮物时, 也可能是做了同样的意图.

(6) You may argue that if the aircraft was flying slower, it should be at lower altitude, much lower than 35,000 feet, for example 12,000 feet. If this slowdown was due to programmed auto-piloting, then when the fuel was finished, it should have crashed onto the ocean and disintegrated into debris, but not even one piece found in the Indian Ocean. If you think someone was deliberately manoeuvring the aircraft, when fuel used up, it should have smoothly “landed” on the sea, and then the whole piece sank into the deep ocean, you are fabricating a miracle for sake!  
(6) 你可能会辩驳如果该飞机飞得比较慢, 它应该是在比较低的海拔, 35,000尺低得多, 例如12,000. 如果这放缓是由于程控的自动导航, 那么当燃油耗尽时, 它应该坠毁于海洋并且分解成碎片, 但是在印度洋一个碎片也没找到. 如果你以为某人蓄意操控该飞机, 当燃油耗尽时, 它应该是很顺畅的降落在海上, 然后整块地沉进深海里, 你是在刻意伪造一个奇迹吧!  

(7) We have to juggle among these two situations, which one consumed more fuel: (a) flying at lower altitude and slower speed for example 323-350 knots (600-650 km/h), or (b) flying at high altitude and normal high speed for example at 35,000 feet flying with 460 knots (about 850 km/h). The fact you also need to know is: the distance from IGARI to Beijing is about the same from the Andaman Sea to the current search area in the middle Indian Ocean. If MH370 was travelling at 460 knots from IGARI to Beijing and took 5 hours (1:30 am to 6:30 am), then from Andaman Sea to middle Indian Ocean endpoint also 5 hours (2:30 am to 7:30 am), somewhere and sometimes it slowed down, then it could reach there at 8:11 am. If MH370 was travelling all the way with 323-350 knots, it would need another 1.5 hours to reach Beijing (1:30 am to 8:00 am), whereas reaching middle Indian Ocean endpoint would be at about 9:00 am and not 8:11 am. Besides, if travelling at 323 knots consumed more fuel, the fuel could have been finished by 8:00 am the time it reached Beijing; for the middle Indian Ocean path, it then could be at about 600 km northwest from the current search area. I hope you could see the contradiction worked out by simple logics.
(7) 我们必须推敲在两个情况之中, 那一个消耗比较多燃油: (a) 在比较低的海拔和比较慢的速度例如323350海浬时速(600650公里时速)飞行, 或者(b) 在比较高的海拔和正常的高速度例如在35,000尺以460海浬时速(850公里时速)飞行. 你也必须知道的事实是: 从伊嘎里到北京的距离和从安达曼海到中印度洋的现今搜寻的地区大约相同. 如果MH370从伊嘎里以460海浬时速航行到北京而用了5个小时(凌晨130分至凌晨630), 那么从安达曼海到中印度洋的终点也是5个小时(凌晨230分至凌晨730), 某处和某时它放缓了, 那么它就可在早上811分抵达那儿. 如果MH370一路上都以323350 海浬时速航行, 它就需多1.5个小时抵达北京(凌晨130分至早上8), 而到达中印度洋终点则应该是大概早上9时而不是早上811分了. 此外, 如果以323海浬时速航行消耗更多燃油, 燃油应该在抵达北京的早上8时就耗尽了, 至于中印度洋的航道, 它就应该是在现今搜寻区西北600公里的地方了我希望你能看出以简单逻辑抖出的矛盾.

(8) If you put some information together and interpret, you will see some facts and some fakes. When a Boeing aircraft has reached its altitude for distant flight, for example from waypoint IGARI to Beijing, at a height of about 35,000 feet, it should be flying at high speed. If the investigators argue that it should not be 850 km/h for taking a 5-hour trip as mentioned above, then they may suggest its speed should be about 800 km/h or slightly slower. Do you see the crack points? From IGARI to Beijing would be 800 km/h, but to make it possible to cross over peninsular Malaysia, they may need to full force it to 850 km/h to 900 km/h or even faster, then, to “possibilize” it to fly from Andaman Sea to the middle Indian Ocean, they have to fit the speed with 600-650 km/h. Now, do you see the “self-rounding speak it”?
(8) 如果你将一些资料放在一起来解读, 你将会看到一些事实和一些捏假. 当一架波音飞机达到要远航的高度时, 例如从伊嘎里去北京, 在大约35,000尺的高度, 它应该是以高速飞行. 如果调查员辩驳它不应该是850公里时速而如以上所提到的旅程用了5个小时, 那么他们就可能建议其速度应该是大约800公里时速或稍微慢些. 你看到破绽了吗? 从伊嘎里去北京是800公里时速, 但是为了使到横越半岛马来西亚是可能的, 他们可能就须让它充全力量的用850公里时速至900公里时速或者更快, 然后, 为了可能化它从安达曼海飞到中印度洋, 他们就得把速度调适到600650公里时速. 现在, 你看到自圆其说了吗?          

(9) So, basically there are still some doubts about the time, space and speed for the flight path diagram. Human manipulation is an action that could decide the computer calculations. If the investigators deliberately monitor with improper data feed-in, or preset bias conditions, you would be conned through the computer. Computer is just a piece of weird thing but without consciousness, its software programme is designed by human, it can’t make a very good decision when facing a completely new situation, or just make decision by random, it is not considered as “thinking”, it only executes some preset decisions by probability.    
(9) 所以, 基本上那个航道图表还存有一些关于时间, 空间和速度的疑惑. 人为的操纵是一个可决定电脑计算的行动. 如果调查者蓄意挪以不恰当的数据输入, 或者预先设定有偏见的情况, 你将会被电脑所骗. 电脑只是一个不可思议却没有意识的东西, 它的软件程序是由人类所设计的, 当面对一个全新的状况时它就不能做出一个很好的决定, 或者只是任意的做决定那不被当做是思想”, 那只是执行某些机率性的决定.  

(M) The “Handshake” Pings are Weak Fragile Evidence for The Indian Ocean Cruise Theory.
(M) 握手频音是印度洋漫航理论的脆弱证据.

(1) Now the time we could look into the “handshake” ping signals, those pings have been claimed as the strongest evidence for the conclusion that MH370 had gone into the Indian Ocean. First, let’s begin with a little understanding about the Doppler effect, an example always used to describe the Doppler effect is as follows: assuming you are standing at the side of a highway, an ambulance with its siren on is travelling very fast from your right side approaching you, passed by in front of where you stand, then leaving away from you with constant fast speed to the left side, you will hear the siren pitch is getting higher and higher as it is approaching you (we are not talking about the loudness getting louder due to it coming closer and closer to you), and become lower and lower as it leaving you (it is also not because of its distance getting farther and farther from you). The explanation by Doppler effect is: the emitted frequency will become increasing when the sound source is approaching, and decreasing as it is receding from the observer, these have been proven scientifically by accurate measurements. [Higher pitch means higher frequency (f) for the sound wave, whereas its wavelength (l) is inverse so is shorter (not longer), as the frequency (f) and wavelength (l) of siren are related by the equation of velocity v=fl, or speed of light c=fl for any electromagnetic wave].
(1) 现在是我们探讨那个握手频音信号的时候了, 那些频音被称为是MH370 已进入印度洋的结论的最有力的证据. 首先, 让我们了解一些关于多普勒效应, 一个常用来描述多普勒效应的例子如下: 假设你站在一条高速公路旁, 一辆救护车开着气笛以非常高速从你的右边行驶过来靠近你, 经过你站的地方前面, 然后以恒定的快速离开你而往左边去, 当它接近你时你会听到气笛音调越来越高(我们不是在说由于它越来越靠近你而声量越来越大), 而当它离开你时却越来越低(那也不是因为它离你的距离越来越远). 多普勒效应的解释是当声源趋近时其放射出的频率会变增高, 当远离观察者时频率会变得减低, 这已被准确的仪器测量的科学证实. [更高的音调意思是更高的声波频率(f), 而其波长则是倒转的更短(不是更长), 因为气笛的频率(f)和波长(l)是由速度的方程式所联系v=fl, 或光速c=fl用于任何电磁波].

(2) The satellite that had detected handshake ping signals was said to be the Inmarsat 3-F1, which is located in the space above longitude 64.5oE and near the equator, far to the west from the simulated Indian Ocean flight paths at 100-104oE. After announcement that MH370 was thought had flown into the Andaman Sea, two possible flight path regions were speculated that the aircraft could have followed, the northern corridor and southern corridor. The investigation experts claimed that they were using a new analysis method that never used before. If the aircraft was moving from Andaman Sea toward the west across a few countries including India, then it should be approaching the satellite in the first 1-4 hours, and unlikely departing too far away from the satellite, so the pings’ wavelengths should be decreasing, and would not differ too drastically. But, when you check the wavelengths as given in the diagram of the preliminary report, the wavelength is consistently increasing from 811 nm till 2754 nm, so the northern corridor flight path does not fulfill this condition. So, the possibility of northern corridor path was then rejected. Of course, the other important reason was that several countries had firmly declared that their military radars had never detected the intrusion of MH370.
(2) 那个探测到握手频音信号的卫星据说是英麻协3-F1, 那是位于东经64.5度以及靠近赤道之上的太空, 离开在东经100104度的模拟印度洋航道的西部远处. 当宣布MH370被认为有飞进安达曼海之后, 两个揣测的可能航道区是该飞机可能依循的, 北部走廊和南部走廊. 调查专家声称他们是用了一个未曾用过的新分析方法. 如果该飞机有从安达曼海向西移动而横越几个国家包括印度, 那么在首1-4小时它就应该趋近那个卫星, 以及不像会离卫星太远而去, 因此频音的波长应该是减着, 并且不会有太过度的差异. 但是, 当你检查那些初步报告里的图表所给的波长, 波长是一致地增加, 811纳米直到2754纳米, 因此北部走廊的航道就不符合这个条件. 所以, 北部走廊的路线的可能性就被排除了. 当然, 另一个重要的理由是几个国家已坚定地宣布他们的军用雷达不曾探测到MH370闯入.

(3) So, the only choice is the southern corridor, that means the aircraft would fly through Indian Ocean. The wavelengths given in the diagram are consistently increasing from 811 nm, to 1267 nm, 1599 nm, 1904 nm, 2226 nm, 2709 nm, till 2754 nm, such data suggests that the aircraft should be relatively farther and farther away from the satellite Inmarsat 3-F1. If MH370 followed the Indian Ocean flight path, at 2:27 am to 3:41 am (when the first 2 ping signals were detected by the Inmarsat 3-F1 satellite), when the aircraft moving southward to equator, it should be approaching nearer to the satellite which is near the equator, so there should be a decline in wavelength. Only when the aircraft was heading farther toward the south away from equator thus farther from the Inmarsat 3-F1 satellite at 4:41 am, then only the wavelengths of pings should increase consistently. But, the signal wavelengths given in the diagram are all the way increasing from the first ping to the 7th ping, what I wonder are these the true pattern of raw data or generated upon processing.
(3) 因此, 唯有的选择就是南部走廊, 那就意味该飞机将飞过印度洋. 那个图表里所给的波长是一致地增加, 811纳米, 1267纳米, 1599纳米, 1904纳米, 2226纳米, 2709纳米, 直到2754纳米, 这样的数据建议该飞机应该是离卫星英麻协3-F1相对地越来越远. 如果MH370跟随印度洋航道, 于凌晨227分至凌晨341(当首2个频音被英麻协3-F1卫星探测到时), 当该飞机向南移动往赤道时, 它应该是越靠近那个近于赤道的卫星, 因此应该是波长有减少. 只有在凌晨441分当飞机飞向南部更远和离赤道与离英麻协3-F1卫星更远时, 频音的波长才会一致性的增加. 不过, 图表里所给的信号波长是从第1频音至第7频音一直在增加, 我奇怪的是这些是原生数据的真正模式还是经过处理而产生的.

(4) One question to ask: Why at a particular time, there are different spots with different wavelengths? This suggests that the wavelengths provided in the flight path diagram are unlikely the raw data, but are results of computation, because raw data should be only one set, which should not vary before the investigators simulate with different speeds. If the Inmarsat is willing to disclose the raw data to the world, many non-experts will be able to help.
(4) 要问一个问题: 为什么在一个特定的时间, 会有不同的地点与不同的波长? 这就建议航道图表提供的波长不像是原生数据, 而是电脑计算的结果, 因为原生数据应该只是一组的, 它不应该在调查员模拟不同速度之前有所变化. 如果英麻协愿意公开这些原生数据给世界, 很多非专家将会有能力给予协助.   

(5) Another crucial question you may ask: is the satellite stationary with respect to any point on the earth’s surface? If it is not, how did the investigators offset its motion values with supercomputer calculation? Most people with some knowledge about satellite will think that a communication satellite is stationary with respect to a fixed point on the surface of Earth, for example your house, because it is always told that the satellite is geosynchronous, which means as the Earth rotates, the satellite also moves in its orbit around the Earth and at a speed synchronous to the Earth’s rotation. In fact, it is not a perfect geosynchronous, this is the key problem facing investigation.   
(5) 另一个决定性的问题你可能会问: 那个卫星对着地球表面的任何一点是静止的吗? 如果它不是, 调查员们是如何以超级电脑计算来对消其移动的值数呢? 有一些卫星知识的多数人会认为一个通讯卫星是静止的对着地球上的一个固定点例如你的家, 因为常常如所说的卫星是与地球同步的, 那是意味当地球旋转时, 卫星也是在它环绕地球的轨道移动, 以并一个与地球旋转的速度同步. 其实, 它不是一个完美的与地球同步, 这就是调查所面对的关键问题了

(6) The satellite Inmarsat 3-F1 is located at 64.5oE and very closely across the equator in space, about 35,780 km in the space above the Earth’s surface (compare the radius of Earth is 6371 km), it needs to be that far for it to be geosynchronous to some extent. If you have come across the Wikipedia about MH370, you may have spotted a small piece of information in the Notes: “… the Inmarsat 3-F1 satellite’s orbit is inclined by 1.76 degrees (instead 1.67 degrees), causing it to cross the equator twice a day. This motion could cause a difference between the Doppler shifts of northbound and southbound transmitters”. Based on the website information of, the time Inmarsat 3-F1 satellite crossing equator to the north is at about 09:00 UTC (17:00 MYT or 5:00 pm), ascending to the maximum north at about 1.75oN at 15:00 UTC (23:00 MYT or 11:00 pm), then move to south, followed by crossing equator to the south at about 21:00 UTC (05:00 MYT or 5:00 am), descending to the maximum south at about 1.75oS at about 03:00 UTC (11:00 MYT or 11:00 am).
(6) 卫星英麻协3-F1是位于东经64.5度以及非常近跨太空中的赤道, 在地球表面之上大约35,780公里的太空里(和地球的半径6371公里比较), 它必须在那么远才能有某些程度的与地球同步. 如果你有看过维基百科关于MH370, 你可能会注意到注解里的一个小讯息: “… 英麻协3-F1卫星的轨道是倾斜1.76(取代1.67), 使到它一天横跨赤道两次. 这个移动就可能造成北行和南行的发射器的多普勒频移之间的差异”. 根据satellite-calculations.com网址资料, 英麻协3-F1卫星跨越赤道向北的时间是在大约世界时间9时零分(马来西亚时间17时零分或下午5时零分), 升上至最北端于约北纬1.75度在大约世界时间15时零分(马来西亚时间23时零分或晚上11时零分), 然后向南移动, 接着跨越赤道向南的时间是在大约世界时间21时零分(马来西亚时间5时零分或凌晨5时零分), 降下至最南端于约南纬1.75度在大约世界时间3时零分(马来西亚时间11时零分或早上11时零分).

(7) Here, let me explain another set of condition that, physics graduates may blame that their professors have never taught before, and the professors may accuse their old professors have never mentioned before, and the old professors may argue the physics textbooks may not have ever described, and the textbook writers may defend it is not set for syllabus yet, so the finger-pointing will go on. Now, assume you are driving on a highway with a very fast constant speed, there is an ambulance parked at the road side with its siren on, as you approaching the ambulance, you will hear its siren pitch becomes higher and higher, as you are leaving away from the ambulance, the siren will become dimmer and dimmer, actually it is the siren’s frequency becoming lower and lower, or its wavelengths becoming longer and longer. This is something like the moving satellite was detecting the pings from a stationary aircraft. So, is it totally impossible that the MH370 was stationary?
(7) 这里, 就让我解释另一组情形, 物理毕业生可能会归咎于他们的教授之前不曾教过的, 而教授则可能指控是他们的老教授之前不曾提起的, 而老教授则可能争辩物理课本可能不曾描述过, 而课本作者则可能辩护那还没规定为纲要, 因此互相指责就持续下去. 现在, 假设你在一条高速公路上以非常快的恒定速度行驶, 在路边停泊着一辆开着气笛的救护车, 当你趋近救护车, 你将会听见其气笛音调越来越高, 当你离开救护车而去, 该气笛将会越来越低弱, 其实是该气笛的频率变得越来越低, 或者其波长变得越来越长. 这就像是移动的卫星正探测着静止的飞机的频音了. 所以, 是否MH370完全没有可能静止的呢?

(8) As the satellite crossing the equator from maximum north (1.75oN) to the maximum south (1.75oS) in 12 hours, equivalent to 3.5 latitude degree on earth surface or about 388 km, but it is about 2,200 km in the space of its altitude location. If the aircraft was submerged in the Gulf of Thailand and stationary, during the 6 hours when the satellite received the handshakes signals, the satellite had been moving southward farther and farther away from the submerged aircraft for about 1,100 km, never approaching nearer, then there is possibility to match the wavelength data much better than if the MH370 was moving.    
(8) 当卫星在12小时内从最北端(北纬1.75)跨越赤道至最南端(南纬1.75), 相等于地球表面的纬线3.5度或是388公里, 不过在太空位置的高度则是约2,200公里. 如果飞机是沉浸在泰国湾而且静止, 当卫星接收到握手信号的6小时段, 该卫星已是向南移动离开沉浸的飞机越来越远约1,100公里, 不曾趋近过, 那么就有可能配对波长并且比起飞行着的MH370来得更好.

(9) As I mentioned in my main article published on April 20, without any data from Inmarsat satellite, I have predicted the possibility the MH370 submerged in the sea in the northern region of equator, what I meant was the Gulf of Thailand. The diagram released together with the preliminary report did not provide explanation about the data given in the diagram. So, I guess the values given with units “nm” are nanometers, generally used for the wavelength of electromagnetic wave especially the visible lights, but the values of 811 nm to 2754 nm fall within the infrared range, much shorter than those of microwaves and radio waves. I wonder what kind of equipment was sending out the infrared frequencies in the air, the frequencies very much higher than those of radio frequencies and microwave frequencies. The investigation must consider if they were purposefully emitted to penetrate through the sea water, could they be reduced to lower frequencies when emerged into the atmosphere and travelled into space with longer wavelengths? However, I suppose these are not the raw data values of pings signals detected by the Inmarsat satellite, but results obtained upon applying the Doppler effect in the computation.
(9) 如我在420日发表的文章所提及, 未有英麻协卫星的任何数据, 我曾预测MH370沉浸在北部区域海里的可能性, 我的意思是泰国湾. 那个和初步报告一起公布的图表没有为图表里的数据提供解释. 因此, 我估计给以“nm”值数的单位是纳米, 通常是用于电磁波的波长尤其是可见的光, 不过那些值数811纳米至2754纳米落于红外线之内, 更短于微波和无线波. 我奇怪是什么仪器送出那些红外线的频率于空气中, 那些频率比起无线波和微波高得很多. 调查必须考虑到如果它们是被刻意的发射以穿越海水, 当它们透进大气层时会被减低到较低的频率以及行进太空时波长变长了吗? 无论如何, 我认为那些不是英麻协卫星探测到频音信号的原生数据值数, 而是经过采用多普勒效应来计算所得的结果.                 

(10) It is not easy to compute the observed frequency (or wavelength) in this real situation, because you don’t know some of the actual data about the aircraft, such as its location, movement direction, speed, distance from satellite, and other conditions such as temperature change, change of atmosphere’s thinness from sea surface to the space, wind’s speed and direction, and other unknown variable parametres. The known data is about the satellite, frequency of handshake pings detected by the satellite and times. The credibility of the method never used before is then a doubt in this investigation and search. The consequence is, the conclusion of world-class investigators based on Inmarsat satellite’s pings data had led the whole world attention to the Indian Ocean for about 2 months, but so far all searches were failed. It is world-widely documented that this is the unprecedented mysterious missing incident MH370 had encountered in the history of aviation, but to me it is not, it is just a “common” incident, but it is unprecedented most bungled and clumsy investigation and media reports.   
(10) 在这个现实的情况下是不容易以电脑计算观察到的频率(或波长), 因为你不知道关于飞机的一些确实数据, 例如其位置, 移动方向, 速度, 离卫星的距离, 以及其他情况如温度的改变, 从海面到太空的大气薄度变化, 风的速度和方向, 以及其他未知的可变参数. 那些所知的数据是关于卫星的, 卫星探测到的握手频音的频率和时间. 在这个调查和搜寻中那个不曾用过的方法的可信性就值得怀疑了. 其后果是, 那个由世界级调查员根据英麻协的频音数据所做的结论已把全世界的注意力带到印度洋约2个月了, 但至今全部搜寻都失败了. 它被世界性档案为航空史上MH370遭遇到前所未有的离奇失踪事故, 但是对我来说那不是, 它只是一个普通事故,  不过是史无前例最乌龙和糊涂的调查与媒体报告.

Please see my next publication, a summary and conclusion about MH370 missing incident, I will present about 20 reasons why the aircraft is not in the Indian Ocean but in the Gulf of Thailand.
请看我的下一次发表, 一个关于MH370失踪事故的概要和总结, 我将陈述约20个理由为什么飞机不是在印度洋而是在泰国湾.

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